Best Masters Degree in Digital Marketing in MadridSeptember 12th 2019 @ La Bicicleta, Malasaña – Madrid In this video, we show you the different Masters in Digital Marketing Some tips for choosing your University: |
The choice of your city is decisive for your university career. The Spanish cities and especially the city of Madrid offer many advantages: sun, rich student life, culture … But which one to choose? Because if the choice of your sector is obviously fundamental, the choice of the city and the university should be your priority. This allows you to discover a different culture and work environment than what you might not find in your country. In addition, each city offers the same opportunities in many areas. Thus, we advise you rather to choose your place of life before choosing your university. Madrid is ideal to feel good in your studies. | You will spend three months for an internship in a company, a semester and up to 12 months at the same place. Better that you like the city and that you feel good! An attractive and dynamic city like Madrid can greatly improve your professional opportunities and your student experience. In fact, there are so many different cities in Spain that the choice can be difficult. If you have the opportunity, we strongly advise you to go to the city that seems to you the best before finally chose. You will be more likely to know if the environment satisfies you by spending even a weekend than only by choosing on a leaflet! |